All project partners are members of the EFNMS, European Federation of National Maintenance Sociteties, and responsible for maintenance developments in their own country.
By mixing different countries and specialists a developing team was formed. This provided a multifunctional capability which is needed in order fulfil the objectives. The broad spectra of competence is the most important part in the project and therefore it hqas been required to involve technical specialists.
The project partners:
The Swedish Maintenance Society (Project management)
The Swedish Maintenance Society, SvUH (Riksorganisationen Svenskt Underhåll), is a non-profit organization owned by the industry, energy sector, universities and maintenance suppliers. More than 140 companies, organisations, universities and schools are represented as members.
The Svenskt Maintenance Society was founded for about 50 years ago as an organization for exchange of knowledge and experience in maintenance management.
Vision: Sweden will have an internationally competitive business with high operational reliability and excellent capital management of physical facilities through world-class maintenance.
Mission: The Svenskt Maintenance Society is the national organisation for maintenance stakeholders in Swedish industry, suppliers of service and maintenance products, academies, organizations and authorities.
To fulfil this mission, the Swedish Maintenance Society will have its expertise in the maintenance area. The main objectives for the society is to:
- Actively represent the interests of members in regional, national and international contexts.
- Contribute to the members’ development in the maintenance area.
- Create opinion for maintenance issues in the Swedish community.
The Slovenian Maintenance Society
The University of Maribor is a member of Slovenian Maintenance Society (DVS) and is responsible for training in maintenance and the associated certification. Thanks to the great experience of handling several Erasmus+ projects Slovenia will be an important partner in this project.
The University of Maribor is the second largest and the second oldest university in Slovenia, with about 14 000 students. It has seventeen faculties, which offer undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes.
The Faculty of Organizational Sciences is a founding member of the University of Maribor. It has been involved in research and education in the organizational area for over 60 years. The research area Faculty of Organizational Sciences covers complex dynamic management systems, aspects from human resources, information systems, business processes and general management.
All personnel within this project are involved in research projects, prototyping, consulting, education and training at national and international level. University of Maribor has participated in numerous EU-funded regional, national and international projects.
The key contribution to the development of organizational science is in applied knowledge; focusing on the design, planning, maintenance, governance and management of organizational systems. Research is organized through the Institute of organization and management, consisting also of several laboratories.
The Hungarian Maintenance Society
The Hungarian Maintenance Society, Magyar Ipari Karbantartók Szervezete, MIKSZ, was founded by persons involved in industrial management, service and equipment distributors, and universites. All these are engaged in improving the domestic maintenance professions.
Objectives: Continuous improvement of the maintenance area and management of our members assets. This includes the strategic importance of enterprises and the national economy, as far as competitiveness and sustainability is concerned, and it also increases environmental and safety.
All of this significantly improves Hungary’s competitiveness, the national spread and strengthening of technology- and knowledge-intensive industrial activities, sustainable development, protection of people and the environment, and finally, it results in a better quality of life.
Strategical directions:
- Reach the European excellence level in maintenance.
- To improve the Hungarian Maintenance professional level.
- To work efficiently and effectively.
- This will result the contribution of the Hungarian maintenance to GDP.
Interest enforcement:
- Build strong social-, professional- and political relationships
- Improve our Interest enforcement ability
This will result higher respect of the Hungarian maintenance society
The Czech Maintenance Society
In the year 2000, the CSPU (Ceska spolecnost pro udrzbu, z.s.) started its operation as a non-profit association for physical persons and corporate bodies. The mission is to improve production facility maintenance, work productivity increase, costs reduction, and quality improvement in production facilities.
- Increase the awareness and knowledge of the approaches to production and facility maintenance.
- Organize professional meetings and conferences.
- Provide for the information and counselling services.
- Push through the activities supporting enterprise maintenance in relation to other institutions and economy management bodies.
CSPU is performing several maintenance and asset management training and education programmes, organizing both national and international conferences, maintenance audits, benchmarking studies, consulting in area of maintenance and asset management.
CSPU has worked with competence on university level in maintenance and adapted maintenance technology for economists for many years. The combination of maintenance and economical strategies adapted for management competences is of vital importance for this project.
The Finnish Maintenance Society
The Finnish Maintenance Society, Promaint, is a society of members from industrial production and maintenance departments. Promaint has approximately 1 400 members, of which about 200 are companies or communities. Promaint maintain committees for different sectors. Through the operations of these committees Promaint is constantly involved in development and the appliances of the latest information.
During the past year ten committees have been assembled into groups that aim for development of different areas within maintenance. Approximately 120 people have taken part in these groups. The activities have resulted in publications, organized training occasions, theme days, newspaper and magazine articles, etc.
Promaint also support researchers and students in the field of economics. Promaint has also actively participated in the development of vocational training for adults in Finland.
During the year Promaint has handed out several Maintenance Awards in both personal and company categories. Promaint creates networks for national and international groups. International communication is represented by participation in the operation of European Federation of National Maintenance Societies (EFNMS).
Promaint has been networking with the national organizations in the line of business including frequent contacts and an active participation in their operations. Promaint also serve their members by organizing exhibitions, delivering information and carrying out training, validation and certification.
The Icelandic Maintenance Society
The Icelandic National Maintenance Society, EVS was established in 2009 and has a high interest in developing new ways to work. Iceland is a new member in EFNMS and EVS has a very active role in introducing new maintenance management solutions in the country. Currently there are seven companies in Iceland listed as members. These are aluminium smelters, power generating, engineering and IT companies. Together these companies have over thousands of employees.
DMM Lausnr is the project partner on behalf of EVS due to that they do not have a VAT number. Therefore, EVS cannot handle any economical transaction and taxes through the organisation. EVS does not have any paid employees. The board members carry out various work, while bigger events/work is outsourced and/or done in cooperation with other companies/societies.
Every year EVS organises different events such as seminars and conferences in Iceland, introducing and discussing selected asset and maintenance management topics. EVS also performed a 5 days course on Asset and Maintenance Management in Iceland during 2018. The plan is to run more courses on asset and maintenance management. The events and courses can be used for presenting this project.
The European Federation of National Maintenance Societies, EFNMS
The EFNMS is the initiative organization for developing qualification and competence for maintenance personnel in Europe. The idea for planned competence development was initially generated within the EFNMS Training and Certification Committees.
The EFNMS has a leading role in validation and certification of European maintenance managers since the year 1993 and European maintenance technician specialists since the year 2005. Over the years more than 500 maintenance managers and more than 300 maintenance technician specialists have been certified in Europe.
The EFNMS, as a leader for 23 national maintenance societies, has an important role in dissemination this project´s result to establish maintenance as an important key factor for European industry´s continued development and improvement. The EFNMS will be one of the dissemination organisations for this project´s result.